Charge Against Profits vs Appropriation of Profits

Meaning of Charge Against profits

All the items which go to firms profit and loss A/c are charge against profits. These are called charge as these are to be paid whether the firm earns profits or incur losses. These items are deducted from the Revenue from operations (Sales) of firm to find the Net profit or loss of the firm

Examples of Charge against profits - Rent paid to partner, Interest on partner’s loan, Managers Commission, Interest on Capital (If Question says it is a charge), Interest on Loan by firm to partner

Meaning of Appropriation of Profits

Once the firm determines its Net profit or Loss then it is to be distributed among the partners. The distribution of profits or losses among the partners is known as appropriation of profits. All the items which are entered in Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c are considered appropriation of profits.

Examples of appropriation of profits - Salary to partners, Interest on capital, Commission to partners, Transfer to General Reserve, Interest on Drawings

mindmap root(Charges and Appropriations Against Profit) [] (Charges Against Profit) (Expense for a business) (Must be paid regardless of profit or loss) (Examples) (Interest on loans to partners) (Rent payable to partners) (Manager's commission) (Appropriations of Profit) (Distributing a company's net profits) (Examples) (Salary) (Commission) (Interest on Capital) (Transfer to reserves)

Difference between Charge against profits and appropriation of profits

BasisCharge against profitsAppropriation of profits
NatureDeduction from revenue to determine net profit/lossDistribution of net profit among partners
When made/PaidDone whether profit or lossDone only in case of profits
RecordingDebited to P&L A/cDebited to P&L Appropriation A/c
PriorityDone before appropriationDone after accounting for all charges
ExampleRent paid to partner, Interest on partner’s loan, Managers Commission, Interest on Capital (If Question says it is a charge), Interest on Loan by firm to partnerSalary to partners, Interest on capital, Commission to partners, Transfer to General Reserve, Interest on Drawings

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