MCQ Quiz
Question 1
In dissolution, what is the primary action regarding the firm's assets?
Correct Answer: Sale
Question 2
What happens to the business during dissolution?
Correct Answer: It is closed
Question 3
What is the purpose of selling the firm's assets during dissolution?
Correct Answer: To repay liabilities
Question 4
After repaying liabilities, what happens to any surplus money?
Correct Answer: It is distributed among the partners
Question 5
If there is a deficit after repaying liabilities, how is it handled?
Correct Answer: It is borne by the partners
Question 6
Which of the following is NOT a typical activity during dissolution?
Correct Answer: New admission
Question 7
Which ratio is NOT calculated during dissolution?
Correct Answer: All of the above
Question 8
Are goodwill entries made during dissolution?
Correct Answer: No
Question 9
Is a new balance sheet prepared during dissolution?
Correct Answer: No
Question 10
Are entries made in the partner's current account during dissolution?
Correct Answer: No
Question 11
Which account are all assets transferred to during dissolution?
Correct Answer: Realisation Account
Question 12
Which of the following assets is NOT transferred to the Realisation Account?
Correct Answer: Fictitious Assets
Question 13
What is the journal entry to transfer assets to the Realisation Account?
Correct Answer: Realisation A/c Dr. to Assets A/c
Question 14
Where are fictitious assets transferred to?
Correct Answer: Partner's Capital Account
Question 15
What is the journal entry for transferring fictitious assets?
Correct Answer: Partner Capital A/c Dr. to Fictitious Assets A/c
Question 16
Which of the following is a type of fictitious asset?
Correct Answer: Deferred revenue expenditure
Question 17
How is a debit balance in a partner's capital account treated?
Correct Answer: Taken as opening balance on the debit side of Partner's Capital Account
Question 18
Where is the cash and bank balance transferred to?
Correct Answer: Cash/Bank account
Question 19
On which side of the Cash/Bank account is the opening balance transferred to?
Correct Answer: Debit side
Question 20
Which of the following liabilities is NOT transferred to the realisation account?
Correct Answer: Loan taken by firm from partner
Question 21
Where are reserves and accumulated profits transferred to?
Correct Answer: Partner capital A/c
Question 22
What is the journal entry for transferring liabilities to the Realisation Account?
Correct Answer: Liabilities A/c Dr. to Realisation A/c
Question 23
On which side of the partner's capital account are reserves and accumulated profits transferred?
Correct Answer: Credit side
Question 24
In what ratio are reserves and accumulated profits transferred to the partner's capital account?
Correct Answer: Old profit-sharing ratio
Question 25
How is a partner's capital account balance on the liabilities side treated?
Correct Answer: Taken as opening balance on the credit side of Partner's Capital Account
Question 26
On which side of the Realisation Account are liabilities transferred?
Correct Answer: Credit side
Question 27
On which side of the Realisation Account are assets transferred?
Correct Answer: Debit side
Question 28
How are Partner Current Account balances transferred during dissolution?
Correct Answer: To Partner Capital A/c
Question 29
What is the journal entry if there is a debit balance in the Partner Current Account?
Correct Answer: Partner Capital A/c Dr. to Partner Current A/c
Question 30
What is the journal entry if there is a credit balance in the Partner Current Account?
Correct Answer: Partner Current A/c Dr. to Partner Capital A/c
Question 31
Which of the following is a possible treatment of assets on dissolution?
Correct Answer: All of the above
Question 32
Which of the following is a possible treatment of liabilities on dissolution?
Correct Answer: All of the above
Question 33
What is the journal entry for assets sold in the market?
Correct Answer: Cash/Bank A/c Dr. to Realisation A/c
Question 34
What is the journal entry when a partner takes over an asset?
Correct Answer: Partner Capital A/c Dr. to Realisation A/c
Question 35
What happens when an asset is settled against a liability?
Correct Answer: There will be no entry
Question 36
What is the journal entry for a liability paid by the firm?
Correct Answer: Realisation A/c Dr. to Cash/ Bank A/c
Question 37
What is the journal entry for a liability paid by a partner?
Correct Answer: Realisation A/c Dr. to Partner capital A/c
Question 38
What is the first step in the dissolution process out of the following?
Correct Answer: Selling assets
Question 39
What is the final step in the dissolution process out of the following?
Correct Answer: Distributing surplus to partners
Question 40
Which account is used to record the sale of assets during dissolution?
Correct Answer: Realisation Account
Question 41
What happens to accumulated losses during dissolution?
Correct Answer: They are transferred to the debit side of Partner's Capital Account
Question 42
How are accumulated profits distributed among partners?
Correct Answer: In the old profit-sharing ratio
Question 43
If a partner takes over an asset, how is it recorded?
Correct Answer: As a debit to the Partner's Capital Account and a credit to the Realisation Account
Question 44
If the firm pays a liability, which account is debited?
Correct Answer: Realisation Account
Question 45
If a partner pays a liability, which account is credited?
Correct Answer: Partner's Capital Account
Question 46
What is the purpose of preparing a Realisation Account during dissolution?
Correct Answer: To determine the profit or loss on the sale of assets and settlement of liabilities
Question 47
How is the profit or loss on realisation distributed among the partners?
Correct Answer: In the old profit-sharing ratio
Question 48
What is the significance of closing all books of accounts during dissolution?
Correct Answer: To finalise the dissolution process
Question 49
When liabilities are paid by firm then In realization A/c it is written on
Correct Answer: Debit Side
Question 50
When assets are paid by firm then In realization A/c it is written on
Correct Answer: Credit side